Every where you look there are instruction on how to brew coffee,
I have always skipped over the instruction, brewing coffee is as easy as boiling an egg. Right?
Regardless how easy it may be, each brewer needs to be tuned to deliver its best.
Here are the variable,
1)Coffee Freshness
2)water quality
3)Water temperature,
4)Coffee quantity,
5)Coffee Grind,
6)Brew time,
1) Coffee Freshness
If your coffee has been sitting in the cabinet for over a month, toss it and
get some fresh whole bean from your local roaster.
Would you eat a loaf of bread that was sitting out after a month?
2) Water Quality:
Use an RO system or some good filtered water.
3) Water temp:
Check you wattage of your brewer.
If its1100 to 1400 watts your water temperature will be right on.
If its 900 watts Water temperature may be a bit low.
4) Coffee quantity:
Start with 2 ounces for 8 to 12 cups and adjust for coffee strength.
We use 2.5oz for 8 cups, and its nice and strong.
5) Coffee Grind:
6) Brew Time:,
These go hand in hand,
The trick here let the hot water penetrate the coffee to capture the good flavor,
stopping the brew proceed before bad flavor happen (over extraction)
Lets use espresso for example.
Its ground to a fine powered, tamped tightly into a portafilter.
High pressure hot water is quickly forced though the coffee, resulting in a 19 to 25 sec.brew time
because the coffee is so finely ground any longer will cause over extraction, giving a bitter and undrinkable shot.
Your Brew process requires the same though process.
With a larger grind, we can push it to 4 to 6 min and still have a good brew.
The grind has too be consistent to keep it from over extracting.
Water temperature will also effect the extraction.
Start with a coarser grind and then work it finer until you can taste the bitterness.
Then pull the setting back on the grinder until the coffee is good again.
This will insure your getting the most from your coffee without waste.